chronic diseases 322, 323, 336
Cichello, P. 271
CID (Centre for International Development) 123n
Ciskei 127, 303n
Citi World Government Bond Index 167
Claassens, A. 380, 382
Cleary, Susan 332n
climate mitigation and adaptation 261
coal 65, 203, 224, 227
coal-red plant/power stations 122, 227, 406, 407
coal prices 39, 41
CoastCare progamme 261
Codes of Good Practice 255, 263, 314, 315n, 318, 319
Coega Industrial Development Zone 98, 188
COIIDA (Compensation for Industrial Injuries and
Diseases Act 1994) 356
collective bargaining 250, 252–4, 257, 258
Collins, D. 137
Comert, Hassan 160
COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and
Southern Africa) 92, 108
commercial agriculture 389, 394
private property used for 377
redistribution of land 381
commercialization 203
Commission on Growth and Development
(2008) 13, 134
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights 351
commodity boom 65
commodity exports 3, 15, 39, 110, 144n, 188, 194
commodity prices 33, 35, 41, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58,
112, 136
see also coal prices; electricity prices; gold prices;
house prices; oil prices; platinum prices
Communal Land Rights Act (2004) 382
Companies Act (2008) 226
comparative advantage 90
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and
Diseases Act (1993) 263
Competition Act (1998) 210, 394
Competition Amendment Act (2009) 210
Competition Commission 14, 172, 196, 210
competition law 14, 31, 189
competition policy 77, 78, 188
industrial structure and 191–6
competitive bidding 215, 227, 276
competitiveness 10, 14, 30, 31, 35, 42 110, 111, 114,
124, 148, 160, 185, 188, 189, 194, 195, 221, 222,
226, 227
see also WEF; world competitiveness index
Competitiveness Fund 187
Comprehensive Plan for the Delivery of Sustainable
Human Settlements (2004) 369
Comprehensive Rural Development Programme
(2009) 395
conservation 377, 398, 399, 402, 404, 408
Constitutional Court 332, 372, 382
consumer protection regulation 174, 176
consumption 6, 34, 57, 70, 90, 125, 138, 165, 231, 233,
basic needs 280
shis in the structure of 13
support for the needs of the poor 137
Co-operative Society Acts (1939/1981) 397
Copenhagen Climate Change meeting (2009) 407
corruption 15, 47, 97, 126, 131, 132 133, 193,
198, 358
allegations of 368
perceived 46, 49, 199
petty 408
signicant opportunities for 370
COSATU (Congress of South African Trade
Unions) 65, 71, 88, 149, 161, 207, 240
cost-savings 332, 334, 369
Cousins, B. 382
CPI (Consumer Price Index) 12, 52, 54–9, 115, 143,
145, 146, 150, 291, 298
ination 9, 55, 56, 58, 115
CPIX (CPI excluding mortgage interest) 140, 141,
143, 144–5, 158
Creamer, Kenneth 119n
credit 4n, 8, 36, 58, 66, 68, 134, 135, 137, 159, 160, 173,
176, 379, 381, 399
access to 138, 172, 369
see also import credits; micro-credit institutions;
NCA; NCR; also following entries prexed
credit ceilings 8
credit constraints 350
credit markets 135, 136, 178–84, 296, 366n
credit rating:
downgrades 11
negatively aected 126
credit-rating agencies 213
creditworthiness 215–16, 371
diminished 369
crime 15, 97, 198, 199, 266, 267
high levels of 271
see also Victims of Crime Surveys
CSG (Child Support Grant) 306, 307, 338, 339, 349,
349, 357, 358
currency 12, 58, 157, 169
dual 10
emerging-market 112, 113, 168
freely oating 33
major markets 56
overvalued 110, 114, 115
pegged 10
protecting the value of 148, 156
selling foreign exchange to support 111
stabilizing 152